
Assessment of Intellectual Ability using the WISC-V with extended IQ scores approved by the NAGC in the US for children over six years.

Gifted Minds also offers achievement testing using the WIAT-III for parents who are concerned that their child may be underachieving academically. The WIAT-III can be used with children as young as four and can be very useful for determining school readiness and the level at which your preschool-age child may be working.

This psychometric testing service is available for gifted and/or creative children, adolescents and adults, ranging from age 4 to 85+ years, and includes the actual assessment plus a detailed written report. A twenty minute follow-up by phone or email is included in the total cost.   

Counselling for children, one on one and in groups

Counselling for adults about their needs and also regarding parenting issues concerning intellectual giftedness and creativity    

Talks for parent groups, associations and schools   

Examples of topics that we have covered in the past are provided below:

• Latest insights on the assessment of gifted children: What does it all mean for my child?  

• Ability & intensity: Riding the rollercoaster of overexcitability  

• Issues related to self-esteem in gifted children

• How expectation impacts on achievement  

• Rights and Needs: Avoiding conflict, showing support and helping your child

• The 'S' word and the 'F' word': Success' and 'Failure' through the eyes of your gifted adolescent    

• Label libel: Counselling over-diagnosed & mis-diagnosed gifted and creative adolescents

What We Do



Looking forward to being back in Perth!

Interstate assessments - Perth

Fiona has been working periodically in Perth now for the last 20 years ! - please contact Kriss at GATCA-WA re details of her next visit and to make bookings for any assessment and counselling sessions or to ask about the free Q & A sessions that are held.

Interstate work

Gifted Minds has a history of providing services to other states. Fiona regularly visits Western Australia, Queensland and the ACT. We are also happy to visit rural areas and to travel overseas, if there is sufficient client interest. Please let us know if you are considering an assessment, but are unable to get to Sydney.

Any enquiries regarding interstate assessments or one-on-one counselling sessions during 2025 in Melbourne, Adelaide, the Gold Coast,  Brisbane or Hobart should be made to .  

Staff Development Workshops

Workshops usually focus on answering questions about identifying gifted students. They aim to give teachers a better understanding of what an IQ test is really all about by discussing issues such as: What is being measured? What is "intelligence" and is it really quantifiable? How do IQ and Factors Scores relate to academic performance?

Latest assessment tools, and their pros and cons, are discussed in real terms that make sense from an educational perspective. Workshops are 'user-friendly', interactive sessions during which teachers are encouraged to ask questions about assessment and giftedness in a relaxed and supportive environment.  

Other workshops have had a special emphasis on the affective and socio-emotional issues that often accompany giftedness. Intensities and sensitivities and their impact in the classroom are explored, as well as issues with friendship, self-esteem and motivation. The special needs of gifted children with learning difficulties can also be discussed.